Salal Baloch,Human Right violation, Freedom, sindh, Balochistan , BSO, BSO Azad, BNM, Abdul Jabbar

Friday, May 29, 2020

In 1763, a tussle broke out between Maharaja Jawahar Singh Rajput and Sardar Asadullah Baloch at Tauro, in which the Maharaja's artillery, commanded by Suraj Mill Jat, inflicted the worst defeat on the Baloch forces.

Tauro, Sohna, Mewat Region, Gurgaon District, Haryana

In 1763, a tussle broke out between Maharaja Jawahar Singh Rajput and Sardar Asadullah Baloch at Tauro, in which the Maharaja's artillery, commanded by Suraj Mill Jat, inflicted the worst defeat on the Baloch forces. And this was the decisive battle that forced the Baloch to leave Haryana. Tauro is also called "Little Balochistan of Haryana" because there are tombs of many Baloch chiefs. The great warriors of Mewat put up strong resistance on three fronts in the War of Independence, on the one hand they fought the forces of Bharatpur, on the other hand they remained steadfast against the East India Company, on the third hand they fought against Mr. Talaram Sahib in a guerrilla war.
Mewat a discovery, page 293

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