Salal Baloch,Human Right violation, Freedom, sindh, Balochistan , BSO, BSO Azad, BNM, Abdul Jabbar

Thursday, May 28, 2020

28th May observe as Black day for Baloch and Balochistan, the day when 1998 Pakistani Occupied State resulted It's atomic bombs in the land of Balochistan in Chaghai area of Raskoh,

Balochistan says No to Pakistani nukes
Balochistan is the homeland of the Baloch nation. Geographically, it is located on the plateau of Iran and the area of Balochistan is about 560,000 square kilometres with a coastline of over 1,200 kilometres. From 1666 to 1839 Baloch had its independent national state. The British invaded Balochistan on 13 November 1839 and subsequently divided it into three parts.

28th May observe as Black day for Baloch and Balochistan, the day when 1998 Pakistani Occupied State resulted It's atomic bombs in the land of Balochistan in Chaghai area of Raskoh, Pakistan which is known as Mother country for terrorism is harmful for whole peaceful World. There is no doubt this country's atomic weapons can be hand over and used by religious fundamentalist Taliban and Jehadis. What the world decision would be than?

Pakistani atomic explosion that were tested in Raskoh area it's still affected, life of mankind is risky, children of these areas are involves in many kinds of skills deceases, plants and others creatures are deployed, but no one from civilised world is taking any action, which shown that Balochistan is not exist in this planet.
We Baloch request to the #UN and rest of World to cease Pakistan atomic weapons and save human being and others creatures and peace beauty of the Balochistan and World.
The first artificial line was drawn by Maj. General F. J. Goldsmid (1818-1909) in 1871 known as the Goldsmid Line. This line divided Balochistan into two parts, the western (Iranian Occupied Balochistan) and eastern Balochistan (Pakistan Occupied Balochistan). The western part, currently occupied by Iran, was given to the Qajar, the rulers of Persia. The eastern part remained under the control of the British until 1947. The second line is known as the ‘Durand Line.’ It was drawn in 1893 by H. M. Durand (1850 – 1924). As a result of this line, the northern part of Balochistan was annexed to Afghanistan.

The division of Balochistan was a colonial plan. This division carried out without Baloch consent and Baloch relentlessly has fought for their freedom and unification of their homeland. The Baloch nation has continuously been fighting for their freedom and independence since of occupation of Balochistan by the British Imperial Army. The Eastern Balochistan regained its independence from Britain, in 1947. This news was reported by the New York Times on 12 August 1947. Almost eight months after Balochistan secured her independence from Britain, on 27 March 1948; the newly created theocratic state of Pakistan invaded eastern Balochistan and annexed it to Pakistan. 
In the latest conflict that started around the year 2000, it is estimated that about 10,000 Baloch have been killed. Most of the deceased are the victims of the Pakistan army macabre ‘kill and dump’ policy. Over 30,000 Baloch political and human rights activists are reported to have been arrested and disappeared by Pakistani forces.  The relatives of the state-enforced disappeared Baloch, mostly Baloch women, and children walked over 2,000 km from Quetta, the capital city of Balochistan to Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan for recovery of their loved ones. This long march started in October 2013 and ended in February 2014. While, the long march for Baloch missing person was on its way, on 25 January 2014, three mass graves were discovered in Tootak area of district Khuzdar Balochistan containing more than 100 human remains.
One cannot separate the ‘Islamic nuclear bombs’ of the artificial state of Pakistan from the very core principle of its creation. Choosing Balochistan to test its nuclear booms is a deliberate attempt to add to the miseries of Baloch people. Pakistan tested its nuclear bombs in the Koh Kambaran ranges and the Chaghai hills on 28 and 30 May 1998 it carried out another test in Kharan region of Balochistan.
However, the Islamic cult of Punjabi rulers of Pakistan is deadlier than their Islamic bomb. They are the most lethal weapon. They are the ones who have fabricated the history and say that Pakistan was created “when the Arabs led by Muhammad bin Qasim occupied Sindh and Multan” in eight century (Hasan 1980). They are the ones who celebrate “jihad”, holy war – and the conquest and the subjugation of their homeland, India, by Arabs. In every fibre of the Islamic cult of Punjabi rulers of Pakistan is global jihad.  
Pakistan’s nuclear program has been another fiasco of deception and lies. Abdul Qadeer Khan, a larcener and the father of Pakistan Islamic bomb stole the centrifuge design information while working for FDO, a Dutch company. Pakistanis, not only use such information for the development of their own nuclear development but also kept selling such information to other countries like Iran, Libya, and North Korea.
In addition, their nuclear weapon has been used to entice rulers of the Arabian Peninsula of a bogus sense of security in return for some kind of undeclared regular fee in form of aim or gift. This is also a display of their bare teeth against India. A war that they started with India after the division of India that has been on and off continuously and will never be settled as long as Pakistan exists. The self-deluded rulers of Pakistan thought by testing their bombs in Balochistan they can intimidate and subdue the Baloch nation. Quite the opposite, the Baloch national liberation movement has been getting broader and stronger ever since.

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