Salal Baloch,Human Right violation, Freedom, sindh, Balochistan , BSO, BSO Azad, BNM, Abdul Jabbar

Monday, May 28, 2018

Sindhi Nation hold rally against enforce disappearances .

HYDERBAAD: Nationalist activists along with writers, intellectuals and activists of various civil society organisations joined in a rally organised by the Human Rights Coordination Committee (HRCC) to express solidarity with the Youth Action Committee (YAC) in its protest against alleged enforced disappearances of more than 150 political, nationalist and other activists in Sindh.           
The rally started from the old (Sindh University) campus locality and culminated outside the local press club, where the 72-hour hunger strike observed under the auspices of the YAC ended on Saturday evening.
Organisers of the rally, Women Action Forum (WAF) activist Amar Sindhu, Jami Chandio and others, spoke to the participants and demanded an end to the alleged enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killing of such activists. Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) leader Dr Ashothama also took part in the rally.
The participants called for producing all “victims of enforced disappearance” in courts of law irrespective of their ethnic and political affiliation. They said that the missing persons should be provide an opportunity to explain their position.Leaders of the protesters stressed that cases of extrajudicial killing must be investigated fairly by those persons whose integrity was beyond reproach. They also called for implementing recommendations of the apex court regarding missing persons.

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