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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Human rights activists in Pakistani cyber attacks, report

Human rights activists in Pakistan face Suicide attacks, report
May 16, 2018, 12:49 am
KARACHI (Singer News) - Pakistan's volunteers working for human rights have shown that serious threats are threatened and they have started targeting targeted cyber attacks.
After 4 months of Amnesty International, it has come to inform that the social media accounts of human rights volunteers in Pakistan were hacked and their mobile and computer were harmed by spyware.
A report released in this regard, "Human Rights Watches, Digital Dangers to Human Rights Volunteers in Pakistan," was reported how the attackers fake online to harm human rights defenders in Pakistan. Identification and social media profiles, besides how they monitored and targeted cyber crime.
In this context, Sharif al-Assad Ali, director of global affairs in Amnesty International, said that "we exposed a wide network of attackers who targeted a natural and serious way to target human rights activists. Used to
He said that these attacks were made to make fraudulently fraudulent profiles to deceive volunteers and then attack workers on electronic devices with spyware, in addition to monitoring, betraying them and even They had to compromise on physical protection.
He said that the investigation found that the attackers used to use pages such as Facebook and Google to find the passwords of the affected people, and already human rights defenders face a lot of problems in Pakistan, while it The process is alarming about how their attack is being done on their tasks.
This report highlighted the case of Deep Saeeda, a famous civil society activist, who was told that a friend and social activist, Raza Muhammad Khan was sentenced to death on December 2, 2017.
After this incident Deep Saeed was demanding the release of Raza Khan and a petition filed in the Lahore High Court, after which he received suspicious messages, which expressed concerns about Raza Khan's safety. went.
Amnesty International's investigation said that a Facebook user named Deep Sadeeda from the name of Sinai Halimi constantly contacted by the Messenger and said in the introduction that she lives in Dubai and works in the United Nations.
The user who claimed the Afghan woman told Deep Saeed that she had some information regarding Raza Khan and she sent a link to her profile, which had a virus 'health agent' and if If this link was opened, their mobile could have been affected.
The report states that human rights monitoring organizations believed that this profile is fake and he said that by this, Deep Saeeda's email address was also tried to know, after which he spy on email The software has to be received.
In its investigation, Amnesty International found that the activists of human rights activists in Pakistan were targeted in similar ways and many times, such people claim to be a human rights activist.
In this context Deep Saeed told Amnesty International that whenever I open my email, I am scared, and I am feeling very bad because I am not able to continue my work.
The report states that in the past few months it was seen that journalists, bloggers, peaceful demonstrators and important people and active volunteers of the civil society faced threats, violence, and serious misconduct. Https: // dailysangar .com / home / page / 11012.html

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