Salal Baloch,Human Right violation, Freedom, sindh, Balochistan , BSO, BSO Azad, BNM, Abdul Jabbar

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Pakistani state and its military institutions have enforcedly disappeared hundreds of activist of our organization, and until today none of them returned safely and alive, but dozens of mutilated bodies of the abductees had been recovered

Pakistani state and its military institutions have enforcedly disappeared hundreds of activist of our organization, and until today none of them returned safely and alive, but dozens of mutilated bodies of the abductees had been recovered.

The lives of students and the political activists are not any how safe in Balochistan. State’s military institutions have directly put students and the political activists on their target; its clear example is state’s atrocities on BSO-Azad like democratic students organization by its military institutions.

United Nations including all international human rights institutions should take notice of the non-recovery of Baloch students leaders.

They should bring Pakistan’s military institutions to the international court of justice and should fulfill their basic responsibilities by saving lives of these young political activists.

(From: BSO_Azad page)

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