Salal Baloch,Human Right violation, Freedom, sindh, Balochistan , BSO, BSO Azad, BNM, Abdul Jabbar

Monday, June 10, 2019

Story of Our one of One Person

Story of Our one of One Person

I am a 17 year old student, living in Karachi Pakistan. Now-a-days, a lot is going on the situation of Hindus in Pakistan and particularly in Sindh which has been the admixture of vastly rich cultures for centuries but in this day and age, this quality seems to be fading away, therefore, as the Hindu youth of Pakistan, i should also have my say on this.
       I used to live in a town near shikarpur, sindh when i was just 6 or 7 years old. Everything was going fine untill the 4 hindus were shooted by few people including the father of one of my closest friends there who left the town after that and since then, we have never met again. Obviously at that age, i didn't know much about all the things. After about an year, when i migrated to Karachi, i faced a real discrimination from my schoolmates. Sometimes, they used to call me ''Hindu Hindu'' instead of my name, majority of them hated to eat with me and everyone considered my water as impure. Not just that but they used to abuse the Hindu Gods and Godesses and made fun of our festivals and culture regularly and that was really shocking to see how the students of such a young age can even think like that because it is that time of our lives when we are known for innocence and love. Obviously there were and still are a lot of people who never discriminated and loved me very much.In this age , the biggest threat to the Hindu society is that of the forced conversions which is not just a sin or a crime but the area of shame for any nation according to me. We just can't imagine what it brings to the families and the ones who go through all this severe affliction.
      Its almost everyday that our media throws the light on the situation of Kashmiris and other Muslims in India . Today, i read the statements of our foreign minister where he demanded the rights of Muslims from the Govt of India but i have never seen them and the Media talking about  the Forced conversions and other issues that Hindus are facing in this country.
     The Hindus in Pakistan don't hate this country. Infact, they have some great affiction towards this land and what they condenm is the injustice and the racial prejudice. We don't want to leave this land but want to live here with all the fundamental rights that any citizen living in any state of the world deserves.

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