Salal Baloch,Human Right violation, Freedom, sindh, Balochistan , BSO, BSO Azad, BNM, Abdul Jabbar

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Christian couple sentenced to death on blasphemy charges five years ago got date of hearing by court now

Lahore: Afterwards the wait of five years, the Lahore High Court has set a date to hear the appeal of a Christian couple sentenced to death on blasphemy charges. Judge Qasim Muhammad Khan will take up the matter on 25 June.
The Christian couple’s defense lawyer is Saif-ul-Malook, who represented Asia Bibi, a Christian woman acquitted of blasphemy charges after spending nine years in prison. For the Christians, the High Court decision comes as a relief.
On 4th April 2014, the District Court in Toba Tek Singh, Punjab, sentenced Shagufta Kausar and Shafqat Masih to the death under Section 295-C of the Pakistani Penal Code, commonly referred to as the “blasphemy law” “, which punishes the “Use of derogatory remarks, etc., in respect of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam”, with the death penalty.
Their complainant, a Gojra resident named Muhammad Hussain, says that on 18 July 2013 he received a text message with blasphemous remarks on his mobile phone; at the same time as praying in the mosque.
In the result of the accusations made against them, the couple was convicted and sentenced to death; but filed an appeal for release claiming that the proof presented against them was unsatisfactory.
The defendants say that the blasphemy charge was made to penalize them over a dispute eight months earlier between their children and those of their neighbors.
The latter developed grudge against the couple; and are believed to have got a copy of the wife’s national identity card from her place of work, which was used to buy a phone card to send the incriminating text messages.
The defense lawyer, Saif-ul-Malook, filed a request for revision before the High Court. To do so, he returned to Pakistan after fleeing to Europe following death threats from Islamic radicals for defending Asia Bibi. In Europe he received offers of citizenships.
Saif-ul-Malook met Kausar in Multan prison and said that she is in the same cell that lodged Asia Bibi before the Supreme Court acquitted her.

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