Salal Baloch,Human Right violation, Freedom, sindh, Balochistan , BSO, BSO Azad, BNM, Abdul Jabbar

Monday, July 13, 2020

#PPP (Pakistan Peoples Party): The PPP has played a major role in strengthening and support Lyari Gangwar because it was under his patronage

Written by Mir Omar
#Part ... # 1. #
# part.1
Someone in National Channel asked Shakur Shad (MNA of PTI) elected member from lyari, if you have read JIT report ? Shakur Shad (MNA of PTI ) he replied that we have seen it on own eyes! , there is no need to read it. So People of lyari and my self today I will tell you some truth which I have seen with my own eyes my self is eye witness.
#PPP (Pakistan Peoples Party):
The PPP has played a major role in strengthening and support Lyari Gangwar because it was under his patronage that it grew and strengthened, and terriorise the people of lyari, PPP leader ship think that lyari id property of PPP. and Pakistani security forces need to crush Baloch struggle .
When this command came into the hands of Uzair after the assassination of Abdul Rahman and the then Interior Minister Zulfiqar Mirza who had a very mentally such because of (MQM Political Party in Karachi) vile and fanatical mentality who only against of MQM and only tried to make the MQM crush  power of MQM stronger than the state were to eliminate London. Whose patronage was the big hand of the then President Zardari and his sister (Paryal Talpur) and brother Owais Tappi because the slogan of (Pakistan Kuppa) (Need Pakistan) that slogan came after people of Sindh slogan (Na Kape Pakistan) after Benayir  was killed by terror attack,and life was taken  to be taken from the innocent people of Lyari and they made Gangwar a money making machine . But let the then Army chief and the PML-N government who started the operation ...
Gangwar subjugated all state institutions from the police. The news channels that became heroes at that time were also guilty because I had seen with my own eyes all the news channel vehicles and Political Leader, Journalist, white color,  licking the soles of the gangwar and in their hospitality. Equal partners..At that time all Lyari and Lyari were hostages.Political leader like ! Javid Naguri..Sania Naz..That  times did Shahjan Baloch patronize or give them instructions, but all of them were also taken hostage .. At that time many PPP ministers and officials including Abdul Qadir Patel, Zulfiqar Mirza, Sharmila Farooqi and some other names had a big hand in making Gangwar stronger and stronger. All the other political people of Lyari. They were helpless in the face of their power. They brutally martyred the Urdu-speaking people. And the ANP has played a major role in strengthening the gangwar, including Shahi Syed and the late Karachi leadership at that time. I was the one who gave their full support and they regularly participated in every program of which I am a witness.
After the Lyari operation, there was a rift between PPP and Gangwar. Gangwar's spokespersons were Habib Jan and Zafar Baloch. Zafar's character was just like a puppet, but Habib Jan's character was strong and Habib Jan had to be hung upside down for this act. Is ...
When the gangwar was strong and it happened, then everyone worked for it out of fear, then no one had any other way ...
So after that they formed an administrative unit in which the elders' committee and the conciliation committee were formed.
And in all these committees, influential people of Lyari were included, some of whom joined out of fear and some came to the fore to build their reputation ... From Senator Yusuf to Rehman Malik, everyone was helpless, but also in their power. There was nothing because there was a soft corner for regular gangsters from the presidential palace.
After the operation, Gangwar became stronger and stronger, so some political parties thought that we should also wash our hands in the flowing Ganga.
PML-N (Political Party)
PML-N started the operation and after the operation they thought that if Uzair came in handy then understand one MNA and three MPAs we will get for free then his task was given to Sultan Bahadur and Zia and Marvi Memon only and Just to show the PPP that we too can do dirty politics ...
The National Parties of Sindh also played a role in which all the national leaders from Sindh to (Ayay Palejo) tried to infiltrate to hire them but they were all fools thinking that maybe they would control them but all this They were in an imaginary world because Uzair and his advisers knew that complete detachment from the PPP meant their complete annihilation, so the PML-N also sided with them.
#PTI. Political Party
PTI was an unknown name in Lyari at that time but Kamran Minhas of this party tried to contact them without taking the leadership into confidence but what were the times of Kamran Minhas who could control the strong gangwar of that time.  Shakur Shad was statement all the national news channels was cratasizating PPP Government and  he is only playing his role. At that time, Shakur Shad did not even know PTI but was part of the PPP which was the reason for his poor performance and not giving him importance. So it is very wrong to blame Shakur Shad at that time. Whatever the people outside say, but the children of Lyari all knew who was sponsoring Lyari Gangwar. The then that time commissioner Raeesi ! was also the same. Gangwar used to come to the door and lick their soles ...
So much so that the agency - Rangers - Army and police also had full cooperation, including a major named Aurangzeb who is still in the army, he had a big role, this person was the one who did all the deals and also has a big role in capturing. ...
#JI .. جماعت اسلامی Religious (Political Party )
This organization or party had no role but they were always adept at making spectacle when there was massacre and genocide in Lyari, it was PTI and all other parties watching spectacle. These people were only engaged in scoring points but they did not raise any voice nor did they raise their voice in the assembly nor did any protest take place on a daily basis.

Shahjan Baloch - Sania Naz - Javed Naguri - Liaquat Askani - Salman Murad - They were all hostages.

Shahjan Baloch - Sania Naz - Javed Naguri - Liaquat Askani - Salman Murad - They were all hostages. They had nothing but sidelining and disassociating themselves but they were political people so they knew that this was the right time. Let us make our role in politics ...
The role of Lyari and even the entire business community of Karachi has been played because these were the people who paid the money and Lyari Gangwar played a big role. He started working for all kinds of mafias from the underworld to the owners of Suzuki company. Was killed by a man named Faisal and Azhar on the orders of Tajo and there were many other scandals.
Many of Lyari Gangwar's characters were badly trapped at the time, neither social nor political, but they knew that if they did not obey the order, someone else would be put in their place, so they went into crime. ...
Many PPP politicians were massacred in Lyari. Muhammad Khan and Abdul Chacha are at the top of the list because they later planned to avenge the operation on the PPP by killing their characters as friends. ...
Many journalists used to come to him regularly to fetch water and the police and the police station had become like quotas and concubines for them.
Politicians - intellectuals and a lot of people who are talking nonsense at the moment - they were all with him. This does not mean that they are happy with him, but that he had only one way - to sit down with them. ...
Shakur Shad and PTI have just come. People here now know that this is also a political party but now everyone is again associating JIT with Lyari even though it has only the name of Lyari and the rest is JI. The names in the T are actually to be brought to the forefront, but they are affecting the whole of Lyari again.
PPP's Faisal Raza Abidi was against Gangwar at that time so he used sticks in a protest rally which made Uzair angry and called Abidi to stop the police then Abidi replied that he would work against the law then action. Will also be
This is still half the truth that I remember, there are still a lot of things that I will tell you from time to time.
Owais Tippi, Faryal Talpur, Zulfiqar Mirza, Habib Jan, Abdul Qadir Patel and some other names should be hung upside down, but it is Zulfiqar Mirza who is now an ally of PTI and Zaidi of PTI who made himself big. The actor thinks that he is talking nonsense only about Lyari but he is protecting Zulfiqar Mirza.
Everyone is naked in this bath. Not only the PPP is guilty but all these people are also involved in it because these people were happy to see the people of Lyari dying and being destroyed. We were hostages at that time to do and say anything to us. If we talked, we would burn our houses or harm our lives in reaction.
Please don't humiliate us for your parties, now stop playing with our emotions ...
The capitalist class of Lyari also has a big hand in strengthening the Lyari Gangwar. There are many names who were running their network from Lyari at that time, of which many builders are at the forefront. Dozens of them were operating from Dubai  under the patronage of Gangwar.
Ongoing ...

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