Salal Baloch,Human Right violation, Freedom, sindh, Balochistan , BSO, BSO Azad, BNM, Abdul Jabbar

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Pro- Freedom Party of Balochistan

The largest pro-freedom party of Balochistan the Baloch National Movement (BNM) and the largest student organisation Baloch students Organisation – Azad (BSO-Azad) have categorically rejected Pakistan’s so called general elections. The reason and logic behind this strong decision is that, in Pakistan there is no democracy, all powers are held by the GHQ, political parties are not free to campaign and advocate for their rights, elections have been always influenced by the powerful army, whereas voters are not free to vote by their own choice. Pakistani Establishment can make somebody a chief minister of Balochistan who could only accumulate 552 votes. Similarly, somebody who never had any public profile can become chairman of Pakistani Senate with a jiff.

There is a reason and a long history behind Balochistan’s distrust on Pakistani systems. There are several historical facts which make us believe that, the elections under Pakistani regime are just a farce to show the world that, a democratic process has been exercised in the country. Baloch have unpleasant experience with the Pakistani parliamentary system. The government of National Awami Party (NAP) in Balochistan was overthrown and the top leadership were sent to the different jails of the country in 1970s by Bhutto regime. It was the first elected government of Balochistan, the Baloch nation came to the polling stations with hope and casted their vote to decide their own future and form a government of their own. But Pakistani establishment didn’t respect the will of people as it has always wanted to form governments of their own choice rather than one that is chosen by the people.

Baloch political organizations that are struggling for a free and democratic Balochistan can never be against the parliamentary system of politics or against any democratic process. The demands of Baloch nationalists are all about democracy and equality so there can be no reason why they would oppose any such system. However, they oppose the current form of parliamentary politics that is carried out under Pakistani framework. Balochistan was occupied at the might of the gun and any system that is imposed upon Baloch without the restoration of Balochistan’s sovereignty does not adhere to any lawful and ethical rationale. Additionally, only those candidates reach the parliament who have been approved by the Pakistani Army. It will not be wrong to say that in Pakistan selections are carried out not that the elections are held.


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