Salal Baloch,Human Right violation, Freedom, sindh, Balochistan , BSO, BSO Azad, BNM, Abdul Jabbar

Monday, July 1, 2019

I am Sammi Baloch

Sammi's Subtitle;

I am Sammi Baloch. I am that Sammi which you had seen while doing press conference at Quetta Press Club 10 years ago, or I had been doing protest demonstrations and raising voice for the recovery of my father in other areas of Balochistan.
Mehlab Baloch Daughter of Dr Deen Mohamnad Baloch 

Sammi Baloch Daughter of Dr Deen Mohammad Baloch 

Later we conducted protest demonstrations and hunger strike camps in Quetta, Karachi; the biggest cities of Pakistan, or at Islamabad; the capital of Paksitan. Whether it was the train march or the long march of more than 2,500 kilometers, I did them for the recovery of my father.

I had gone to Supreme Court and High Court, presented before them, submitted the petition. I had sent letter to UN but unfortunately I was ignored every time. I used all possible attempts for my father, all those attempts which could be for the recovery of my father were used.

Today, this process completed its 10 years. Ten years. Might be, the word ten years is easy to pronounce. But in these 10 years, we have passed days, nights in waiting that the news about my father’s well being would come. With a distance from the love and affection of my father, deprivation from the presence of father, we have faced countless troubles in the absence of my father.

We faced different types of issues. We passed the happy days of my life in front of the press clubs. After the abduction of our father, a child was living in the childhood, in that age we had the responsibilities of our home over our shoulders.

On 28th June 2009, not only my father got abducted, detained in torture cells, but after the disappearance of father, my whole family had been living such a life that was not a life less than being in a torture cell. My father’s disappearance is a trauma for my whole family that has caused several mental and physical illnesses.

After raising voice for my father’s recovery, Paksitan considered us a threat for itself too. We were threatened. When we did not withdraw, then it occupied our house. We are living such a home-by-home life that could not be described by me in words.

If my father had done such an action against the state which was harmful for it, then detaining him in torture cells for 10 years, to compel his family to live a torturous life, isn’t his punishment over now. In these 10 years, after knocking doors of all justice institutions of Pakistan, we understood one thing that Pakistan’s courts cannot provide us justice.

Those hopes which we had over the human rights organization, in these 10 years, after ignoring the issue of missing persons, we are also being disappointed. As the years are increasing, the life of our missing persons is going under further danger.

If my father’s life gets harm in the torture cells of Paksitan, then all human rights organizations including Pakistan will be responsible for it, because due to their silence, my father’s life faced danger.

The issue of missing persons is a very serious issue. It is not the issue of Balochistan only but the entire humanity is included in it. I appeal to all humanists to raise voice for the recovery of the missing persons, because your voice might be the factor of recovery of our missing beloved one day. Might be by your voice we get our people back… Thank you.

Mom’s Subtitle

Today it is the 10th year that my husband is detailed in the torture cells. In these days, I did not know how to handle my children. My children were very young, very very young. Other kids celebrated Eid with their parents on Eid days but my kids were at press clubs on Eid days even. Other kids were celebrating but my one kids was sitting in Karachi and other was at Quetta. Whether these were winter or summer days my children were sitting in front of press club in the warm Islamabad. Nether they had meals or water. They were sitting in the hunger strike camps.

Unit this day I am not listening any news about their father. It has been 10 years now that we heard a single thing about his life or my children would be happy that we received news about our father. Till today how I grown up my kids, I myself have been very ill, I had lots of illness. I was worried that I grown up my kids, send my children to press clubs for their father or I be worried about my illness.

Till 10 years, till today, I did not see happiness in my home nor were my kids relaxed in their house. My children were at home but were worried. My children were at press clubs. They even could not get proper education and life.

it is the 10th year, till this age, they don’t know that where is their father, in which torture cells he is detained, their father is alive or God forbid been killed, till today they had not get a single news in this regard. What they speak about their father till today and whom to ask about their father. We had gone to many people but they had said that they had no information about their father. How don’t you have information? You have taken their father. You definitely have information about him.

Bring their father. Surface their father. There are courts. Bring their father to the courts. If their father has committed any crime, any sin but do bring him and surface him.

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