Salal Baloch,Human Right violation, Freedom, sindh, Balochistan , BSO, BSO Azad, BNM, Abdul Jabbar

Friday, December 14, 2018

Human Rights Obligations Being a Human right lawyer I always read the articles Of I. Kachkol Ali .

Human Rights Obligations Being a Human right lawyer I always read the articles Of I. A Rahman and Reema Omar. Today there appeared an article of I. A Rahman titled "Human Rights Obligations" the article of learned author and champion of human rights reveals that in one way or another Pakistan is an Irresponsible country, in particular, does not bother whatsoever it made commitments with the members states of United Nations.The UN working group reiterated its previous calls that the crime of enforced disappearance be expressly included in Pakistan's criminal code. This is deplorable as Pakistan had accepted a recommendation made during its, 2012 Universal Periodic Review to make the seriousness of the crimes do not communicate.But regrettably Pakistan has not fulfilled its pledged commitment. In previous year it made commitments but none was fulfilled by it,which reveals its immaturity and irresponsibility among the civilised countries.It would not be out of place to mention here that Pakistan is totally ignoring those Human rights which are enshrined in its constitution, and the international instruments which it has ratified and singed, notable examples are International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. And so forth and so on. Whereas during ratifying the aforesaid international instruments Pakistan as a state party has ensured the international states community it is bound to protect and promote all those rights which are enshrined, in the instruments, in its territory. As we observed that the most vulnerable individual and members of the nationalities are being deprived and abridged from their inherent human rights and dignity . To proceed for implementation of laws related with fundament rights for better future of men and nation the members of parliament and provincial assemblies of the state have to play vital and positive role for the Protection and promotion of civil liberties and they are required to feel necessity to incorporate the provisions of the international instruments in constitution or separately to legislate in the interest of their peoples. It's ironic in the political entrenched culture of Pakistan the parliamentarians often selected through manipulation of the security establishment, conditionally that parliamentarians will protect and promote the interests of the security establishment, instead of people, which tentamounts to put the cart before the horse.
In the same vain of thinking, the judiciary is deviating from its constitutional obligations, precisely because according to settled principle of constitutionalism, it's the judiciary to jealousy safeguard and protect the fundamental rights and basic freedoms of the citizens, which are enshrined in the constitution.

Generally speaking is that the fundamental rights and basic freedoms are enshrined in the constitution of Pakistan, but the judiciary due to fears, and its personal interest and gains, and lack of commitment is totally failed to enforce the related provisions of the constitution in accordance with its mandate.
Prima fecie Pakistan is a security and strocrat state, there is no Supremacy of constitution, rule of law and independence of judiciary. Ipso facto all organs of the state are subordinate to security establishment, each head of organ of state are wanted to please the security establishment including parliament and judiciary (prime Minister and Chief Justice) of the country, which is absolutely against the norms and spirit of the parliamentary democracy.
It is now high time the intelligentsia , jurists, lawyers, and politicians have courageously, honestly and frankly inform and tell the world community, especially to UNO that Pakistan to be declared as a strocrat Country and to be included in the list of astrocracy instead of democracy. To call Pakistan a democratic country it is mockery with democracy.
Kachkol Ali
Human rights lawyer.

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