Salal Baloch,Human Right violation, Freedom, sindh, Balochistan , BSO, BSO Azad, BNM, Abdul Jabbar

Thursday, May 30, 2019

11 persons went Missing From Different Areas of Balochistan

11 persons went Missing From Different Areas of Balochistan.
29'May 2019

(Current Balochistan)

11 people forcibly disappeared by the hands of Pakistani security forces from Gwadar and kech.

According to the sources, on 28'March Pakistani forces conducted an operation in Kashth Kolwah, kech, violent military personnel tortured women and children and Abucted 7 persons namely Cherag S/o Mohammad, Luqman S/o Dad Mohammad, Sageer S/o Dil Murad, Tapu S/o Dil Murad, Majid S/o Shah'Dost, Arif S/o Gazzu, & Wajidad R/o Kulwah and shifted them to military camp.

Meanwhile from Hirronk, kech forces also raided a house and abducted a person namely Ali S/o Hussain R/o Hirronk Kech.

According to a update received to Current Balochistan's correspondent That Pakistani forces raided in Naya'abad an area of Gwadar at late night on 28'May and abducted 3 Baloch Civilians who have identified as Imran S/o Lal Bux, Kamran S/o Lal Bux & Naguman S/o Sabzal.

Enforced disappearances that started in the early 2000s have never slowed down in Balochistan, in fact, dramatic surge has been observed in the number of people going missing with each coming year.

According to UN charter, Any act of enforced disappearance is an offence to human dignity. It is condemned as a denial of the purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and as a grave and flagrant violation of the human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and reaffirmed and developed in international instruments in this field.

We appeal to the United Nations, international community and human rights organizations that they should visit the affected areas in Balochistan where security forces have violated the human rights; they should themselves witness the ground realities and play their effective role.

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